Virtual Pantry Makeover
$75 for a 1 hour session

In a virtual pantry makeover, you get a one-on-one session with me to go over what's in your kitchen pantry. The virtual pantry makeover is a perfect way to receive personalized information on how you can apply Traffic Light Eating to improve food choices and overall health.
During a one-hour session, you will learn the concept of Traffic Light Eating and how to decipher food labels, which will help you easily and quickly determine the best foods to choose for yourself and your family. We will go through items in your pantry, as well as the fridge and freezer, filling out a Traffic Light Shopping List and going over the Dirty Dozen and Healthy Substitutions Lists. We will end the session by going over your shopping list and setting your goals!
You will receive downloadable copies of the following to help you continue stocking your pantry with healthy items:
Healthy Substitution Handout
Nutrition Facts Label
Food Additive Handout
If you are interested in a Virtual Pantry Makeover, submit a contact form and I will reach out to you to book your session!